About Us
After author/singer/songwriter Andrew Peterson’s first visit to the Oxford home of C. S. Lewis, he returned to Nashville with a conviction that community nourishes good and lasting work. The Rabbit Room, the name of the back room of the pub where the Oxford Inklings (including Lewis, Tolkien, and Charles Williams) shared their stories, began as a simple blog of contributing authors, songwriters, artists, and pastors.
Over the years, with the help of Andrew’s brother A. S. “Pete” Peterson, his manager Christie Bragg, a growing staff, and encouragement from the loyal Rabbit Room contributors and readers, the Rabbit Room has grown to include podcasts, a thriving music and book store, Rabbit Room Press, a yearly conference called Hutchmoot, regular events like the Local Show, and a physical home in a 150-year-old farmhouse called North Wind Manor. If you’d like to dig a little deeper into what’s behind the Rabbit Room concept, Andrew wrote about the experience that led to its inception here.
Thank you for visiting. We hope your interaction with the Rabbit Room is a blessing. We feel like we’re in the middle of a good story, and you’re helping us tell it.
Rabbit Room Press
Rabbit Room Press is based in the heart of the thriving artistic community of Nashville, Tennessee. Founded in 2008, Rabbit Room Press publishes fiction, nonfiction, and poetry. In addition to books, the press is closely involved in the creation and distribution of recorded music. We’re sorry, but due to limited time, patience, and brain cells, we don’t accept submissions.
Our titles are distributed through Ingram Book Company.
For further inquiry, contact us at service@rabbitroom.com.
Hutchmoot is the Rabbit Room’s annual gathering in celebration of books, music, and works of art that tell the truth beautifully. It’s not a workshop, it’s not a networking convention, and it’s not an elitist cohort for uber-intellectuals. It’s for anyone–anyone–who’s drawn to the good and the beautiful and the true. (Which is everyone.) Learn more about hutchmoot.