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Acclaimed author Philip Yancey renders 17th century poet JohnDonne’s meditations on suffering into modern English, revealing that Donne’s world of the plague was not so very different from our own. As the world entered a long dark night, Yancey returned to a nearly 400-year-old manuscript for guidance. In it, he found a trustworthy companion for living through a global pandemic - or any other crisis.
As Yancey says,
“Nothing had prepared me for JohnDonne’s raw account of confrontations with God.”
Philip Yancey’s books have garnered 13 Gold Medallion Awards from Christian publishers and booksellers. He currently has more than 17 million books in print, published in over 50 languages. Many of his works explore central issues of the Christian faith, such as award-winning titles like The Jesus I Never Knew, What’s So Amazing About Grace? and Prayer: Does It Make Any Difference?
JohnDonnewas a priest and scholar, often considered the greatest poet of the 16th century. His work is distinguished by his ability to explore the paradoxes of the Christian faith, of blessing and suffering, of divine and human, and in the midst of his own struggle with sickness, he devotes his writing to the nature of life and death itself through the lens of illness and pain.